Monday, November 13

Tag: Pre-Schooling

Does the Age of Pre-Schooling Matter? A Definitive Guide
Education, Lifestyle

Does the Age of Pre-Schooling Matter? A Definitive Guide

Main Text The primary objective of teaching any educational material to a child is that the child should gain access to information that will enable him/her to assimilate it and make it understand the meaning. What is more, the children should also be able to apply what they have learned. With the age of preschool, this requirement of learning goes beyond being just theoretical knowledge. Studies have revealed that children enrolled in schools in India, especially in states like Bengal and Tamil Nadu have been found to have greater chances of achieving growth and success in life. These children not only gained access to knowledge but also had the added advantage of developing themselves mentally and socially. It is interesting to note here is the fact that while most children in thes...