Sunday, November 12

Tag: project management in commercial real Estate

What is Project Management in Commercial Real Estate?
Business, Real Estate

What is Project Management in Commercial Real Estate?

What is real Estate? Real Estate is the land & any permanent improvements attached to it It is different from Commercial Real Estate. It can be natural or artificial. Real Estate includes water, trees, minerals, buildings, homes, fences, and bridges. Personal Property is a property that is not permanently attached to the land. Examples of personal Property include vehicles, boats, jewelry, furniture, and farm equipment. ● Real Estate is real land that includes the Property and anything permanently attached to it. ● There are five main types of real estate: residential, commercial, industrial, land, and others. ● You can invest in real estate by purchasing a home, rental land, or other lands. Or you can also invest indirectly through a real estate investment trust (REIT). Fo...