Monday, November 13

7 Tips to Get the Most Cooling From Your 2 Ton Air Conditioners

2 Ton air conditioners

It is now impossible to think of surviving an Indian summer without an air conditioner, owing to the rising temperatures that afflict homes and public spaces through the afternoons and well into the evenings. 

Air conditioner prices have also dropped, as more manufacturers enter the market in a bid to appeal to the largest chunk of Indian consumers. A 2 ton Air Conditioners price today is lesser than it was even 5 years ago, and with the advent of more flexible payment options, it is now possible to buy your favorite AC at a fraction of its cost. 

Even as you decide on which air conditioner you want to purchase, it is important to know a few tricks and tips that keep your AC cooling levels efficient and powerful. Read on below to learn the 7 best tips.

Also Read: Top Ideas To Maintain The Ideal Humidity Level At Home?

  • Regular servicing:

    All machines need to be serviced regularly, and you need to make sure that your AC is serviced regularly by the company’s authorized personnel. They will ensure that the AC’s components are in place and functional, and do not require any repairs or replacements.

  • Clean filters regularly:

    You can take out the filters once in a while and ensure that there is no dust on them and that they are clean. If there are obstructions on the filters, in the form of dust or other objects, it will be difficult for them to work and for the air conditioner to cool the room.

  • Use timers:

    ACs today often have features which ensure powerful and efficient cooling. You can set a timer for the AC to turn off its cooling when some time has passed. This will ensure that your air conditioner is more energy efficient, and functions optimally as per your needs.

  • Seal all openings:

    Many a time, it is possible for there to be cracks along the windows or walls in a room where an AC has been installed. Such openings allow for the cooling to escape, and thus, make the AC work more to cool an area. It is best to seal all such openings or cracks to ensure that the AC’s cooling is restricted to the room.

  • Keep your doors and windows covered:

    Maintaining a cool temperature within the house is imperative, and one of the best ways to do that is to shut all doors and windows, and prevent sunlight from getting in. You can also tint the windows to ensure maximum shade.

  • Keep vents clear:

    While using the air conditioner, ensure that the path to and from the vents is clear. Often, when the AC is at ground level, it is possible that the vents are obstructed by objects in the way. It is important to clear this path to ensure that the cooling is optimally spread throughout the room.

There are several ways you can ensure the best cooling, but to ensure that you have purchased the best AC, head over to the Store to see which model best suits your requirements.

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