Saturday, November 11

Tag: divided diet

Divided diet for weight loss and better digestion
Diet, Health

Divided diet for weight loss and better digestion

Combining foods, aka a divided diet, is nothing new in the field of healthy eating. More than a hundred years ago, Dr. came up with the idea, separating foods into acidic, alkaline, or neutral. This division has gained fans around the world. How does it work? This form of diet owes its origin to the health problem. In 1904, under the influence of heart problems, he began to develop combinations of foods that would help with health problems. For him, it was specifically Bright's disease and high blood pressure. In a period of about three months, he lost 22.7 kilograms and managed to recover. We looked at the basic principles and scientific perspectives on whether this diet has a long-term perspective and what impact it has on overall health. Why divide the diet at all? Dr. proposed a n...