Saturday, November 11

Tag: Fire it up with a smoke filter

How to Smoke Weed in Your Room Without it Smelling

How to Smoke Weed in Your Room Without it Smelling

Stoners find the smell of weed extremely comforting with the prospect of relaxed enjoyment. For others though, the smell can be nauseous or unpleasant at least. This often prevents smokers to enjoy their weed in the comfort of their homes, especially when they share the house with family or non-smoker roommates. Fortunately, there are ways that you can enjoy your weed without making the room stink. We have listed the best answers to the question of how to smoke weed in your room without it smelling. Tops tips to hide the smell of weed Here are our top tips on how to smoke weed in your room without it smelling. 1 – Light it up outside This might sound obvious but it’s worth listing. Using your cannabis outdoors is probably the best way to hide its smell. If your room has a terrac...