Saturday, November 11

Tag: Getting your period a week early

I Got My Period a Week Early, What Does it Mean?

I Got My Period a Week Early, What Does it Mean?

Getting your period a week early is not a cause for great concern. Every individual woman’s menstrual cycle varies. Usually, the menstrual cycle begins on the first day of the current period and ends on the first day of the next period. A menstrual cycle usually lasts from 21 to 39 days. Hence, the number of days that you bleed varies from person to person. Besides, many people experience bleeding for 2 to 7 days. If your menstrual cycle is usually shorter than 21 days, it can lead to an early period, which can often be caused by an underlying condition or reason. What causes the early period? 5 top reasons for getting an early period Why is my period early? If you are wondering about this then you should know that there could be several different reasons for this, including: ...