Saturday, November 11

Tag: skin covering

How to Care for Swelling after an Adult Circumcision Surgery?

How to Care for Swelling after an Adult Circumcision Surgery?

In adult men, circumcision is a surgery that removes the skin covering the head of the penis, which is the foreskin. When your doctor pushes this foreskin away from the head of the penis, he or she trims it off and then sews the edges with small dissolvable sutures. After the adult circumcision surgery, it is normal for the penis to bruise and swell for the first few days. In general, it is not so painful and many over the counter painkillers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help. After the surgery, you will have a dressing over the area and your entire penis. During this stage, you have to ask your doctors for directions on when you should remove it. You have to wear a comfortable underwear, and if you prefer so, a snug fit one may be ideal for support. However, wearing loose-fittin...