Sunday, November 12

Tag: Stay Fresh

5 Golden Rules for Keeping Your Teeth White and Mouth Fresh

5 Golden Rules for Keeping Your Teeth White and Mouth Fresh

Your teeth happen to be the first thing that people notice in you. But they are often overlooked as they don’t get damaged easily. But once the plaque and the bacteria have invaded your mouth you can hardly do anything to save your pearly whites. Your teeth are capable of making or breaking appearance apart from helping you to chew and talk. For that reason, you should ensure that you keep the mouth clean, fresh, white and sparkling which will cater to a great oral health. Here are some of the simplest ways that will help to retain your million-dollar smile and keep at bay foul breath. Just read on. Brush at Least Twice a Day and Floss Daily – In order to retain the health and hygiene of your mouth, the optimal removal of the plaque and food particles is absolutely essential....