Sunday, November 12

5 Surprising Facts About Pregnancy and IVF

Facts About Pregnancy and IVF

Infertility isn’t just a female problem; it affects men too. About 20% of infertility cases are attributed to male infertility factors. In addition, according to the National Institutes of Health, both partners have health issues in around 10% of couples with infertility. But, thanks to the experts who have discovered IVF technology. It is one of the best infertility treatment options.

You’re probably familiar with the basics of IVF treatment: It stands for in vitro fertilization, which means fertilization outside the body. An egg is removed from your ovary and fertilized with sperm in a lab environment in a typical IVF treatment. The resulting embryo is placed into your uterus about five days later.

Let’s take a look at some surprising facts about pregnancy and IVF.

1. IVF Starts With Fertility Test

To determine whether you and your partner are medically fit for IVF, both you and your partner will need to complete a series of tests—and, if necessary, treatments—to ensure that you’re as healthy as possible before conceiving with IVF.

To get ready for IVF, here’s what you can expect:

  • Ovarian reserve testing: This is performed to determine the quantity and quality of your eggs. Experts do ovarian reserve testing by measuring follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol (estrogen), and anti-mullerian hormone in your blood at the beginning of your menstrual cycle.
  • Semen analysis: A semen analysis is done soon before the start of an IVF cycle to examine sperm count, motility & morphology.
  • Infectious disease screening: Both male and female partners will be screened for infectious diseases to prevent complications in the future.
  • Practice (mock) embryo transfer: Your physician might perform a mock embryo transfer to discover the depth of your uterine cavity.
  • Uterine exam: The physician will inspect the inside lining of the uterus before starting in vitro fertilization procedure, which might involve sonohysterography.

2. You Need a Big Budget For IVF

You’ve probably heard that IVF can be expensive. It’s true. And while there are financing plans to make treatment more affordable, you’ll still be looking at a hefty price tag.

The average cost of an IVF cycle with medication is about Rs 2.5 lakhs and Rs 4 lakhs. Then there are add-ons like genetic testing of embryos or freezing embryos.

If you’re looking for more affordable financing options, most clinics now offer payment plans where you can spread out your payments into monthly installments over time—some even offer 0% financing! Another option is to ask your clinic about financial assistance programs they might offer.

If finances are still too tight to fit treatment in your budget, it is better to contact fertility research centers.

3. IVF Treatment Require Patience

It’s no secret that the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF) has revolutionized the way we treat fertility. But one of the biggest misconceptions about In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is that it works right away. People mistakenly assume that they’ll definitely get pregnant in one cycle if they try IVF. The reality is that most women need to go through more than one cycle of IVF before getting pregnant.

Also, there is no 100% guarantee of IVF success. Even with the most advanced medical technology at our fingertips, we cannot control the genetic factors which may result in IVF failure.

4. Various Types Of IVF Treatment

While the most common forms of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments are well-known, other types of IVF treatments may help people seeking treatment have a faster, easier, and even more convenient experience.

Natural IVF is usually cheaper and only takes a few days to complete. It’s also called ‘luteal support’ because it helps your body produce progesterone during your luteal phase (the second half of your cycle) so that you can become pregnant. Mild IVF is another type of treatment similar to natural IVF but instead uses milder medication taken orally. Mild IVF doesn’t require daily injections or monthly doctor visits.

5. IVF Works Best For Younger Females

Indeed the success of an IVF treatment depends a lot on your age factor.

To explain this, let’s start with your eggs. As women age, the quality and quantity of their eggs diminish, and it becomes more common for them to have problems getting pregnant after 35. Similarly, men’s fertility also decreases with age and they produce fewer sperm per ejaculation as they get older and become more likely to be unable to conceive naturally.

This is important information to keep in mind when you’re considering IVF—and of course, it’s all something your doctor will discuss with you before you decide whether or not to move forward with a treatment plan that involves IVF.

The Bottom Line-:

This was all about the surprising fact about IVF pregnancy. Hope you like the article and take the final decision considering the above factors. Also, don’t forget to consult with a reproductive endocrinologist to get the best infertility treatment in Panchkula or any other part of the country.

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