Sunday, November 12

Challenges Faced by New Puppy Training Owners

Bringing a new pup home can be an exciting period for any dog owner. When you’ve finally managed to get your puppy, the first thing you could face is their training on how to stay inside the home and other neat tricks.

However, while you might have many things to teach your puppy, their willingness to learn them can be quite lackluster at times. There are many challenges associated with teaching your puppy, and here are just a few:

Constant Barking

Due to various reasons, your puppy could end up misreading your signals or attempts at training. They might think you’re playing with them, or otherwise, and respond through constant barking.

While barking at odd intervals definitely won’t problem you or anywhere nearby, if your puppy starts barking every time you start training them, it can be quite an obstacle. Over time, this attitude of your puppy might change, and they might become calmer. However, it could also go the other way, where they start barking more and even act aggressively when you try to train them.

Utter Confusion

Just like humans, not all puppies can understand what you’re trying to do or get them to do. Puppies can get confused pretty easily, and you have to ensure that they are following your every move from start to end when you’re attempting to train them.

If your puppy loses focus halfway through or starts doing something else that’s completely random, it might be because they’re confused. Try to figure out what part of your training is getting your pup confused so you can resolve it quickly.

Puppy Training


Depending on what dog breed you have, your puppy could have a different attitude when learning anything new. They might not be willing to learn in the first place, which can make your life quite difficult.

In these cases, the best way to get your puppy trained would be through the carrot and stick method. Every time they follow what you’re trying to get them to do, you reward them, and when they don’t, you could have a time-out period. Your puppy will slowly become more eager to learn when they know there’s a reward associated with it at the end.


All puppies are full of energy, which can cause them to be hyper almost all the time. When you’re trying to train your puppy, this abundance of energy can be quite problematic as it prevents them from learning anything.

It’s best to get your puppy to tire out a bit before you try teaching them anything new. You could start your training sessions after taking them for a short walk or after playing with them for a while.

No Response

While uncommon, you might have to face a situation where your puppy is completely unresponsive to any training at all. Out of all the things to teach your puppy, you might not get to teach anything at all when they remain unresponsive.

Similar to stubborn pups, the best course of action here could be luring your puppy with treats, so they end up doing what you’re asking them to do. You can get them to listen to you slowly when they know they’re going to receive a treat at the end.

Read More: When to euthanize a dog with cushing’s disease?

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