Sunday, November 12

What Can I Do With Python?

Python is universal, expressive, comprehensive, and free. It is adopted by teachers, mathematicians, data scientists, engineers, researchers, college students, game programmers, hobbyists, technical journalists … anyone. Many students ask what can I do with python?   Let’s see some concrete possibilities.

Creating a neural network with Python

A neural network can be defined as a structure that mimics the functioning of the human brain to process data. Today neural networks are widely used in artificial intelligence applications, for example, to recognize images, shapes, text, numbers, faces. Voice assistants like Siri or Alexa rely on neural networks.

Complex neural networks need large computing capabilities, but simple ones are built relatively easily even on the home computer, and are the same in the basic structure. Learning how to create a neural network can be the first step towards a career as a data scientist

Organize an incessant flow of data with Python

Before you ask what can I do with python? order to organize data, They can be log files produced by an e-commerce server or by a normal process; product information feed sent from a server; automated feeds of items for online advertising; historical data on trade, and so on. Often these are normal, uncompressed text files containing raw data but with a potential value, which therefore cannot be simply deleted at the end of the day. Files accumulate day by day to the point where managing them manually becomes impossible, not to mention the space they take up

Build a chat bot in under an hour with Python

(A chat bot is a software capable of chatting with a human, within limits dictated by the sophistication and genius of the program). Let’s see how it starts.

Do web scraping with Python

If you are a web developer and thinking of asking what can I do with python?  , let me tell you that   Python is also used in Web development, Information presented on the web, such as a book list or a weather forecast, is not organized to allow you to easily download it locally in an orderly fashion. This is why the art and science of scraping have been developed, that is, literally scratching the information contained therein from the sites, to collect and order it according to our purposes, certainly always respecting copyright:

Thanks to its flexibility and immediacy of python. Let me tell you that Python is an ideal language for scraping, as Serena Sensini shows in an article that sets itself as an example of collecting information on the best films of the year.

Many Python libraries allow this type of activity: for example, to extract from the site www.filmtv. the films released in 2019, with title, genre, duration, and rating, you can use Beautiful Soup. This package contains hundreds of useful functions for the analysis of documents in HTML and XML format, such as web pages, exploiting the tree structure of the documents to deduce information.

Analyzing the language with Python and open-source libraries

The first language analysis applications date back to the 1950s thanks to Alan Turing but only in the 1980s did the first applications that use them begin to be seen, such as IBM’s work on machine translation which simplified multilingual management of legislative texts for the European Union.

Python is certainly one of the programming languages that best lends itself to data analysis, thanks to the multitude of open source libraries for machine learning and deep learning. Any expert in the field can confirm that the most used libraries in this sector are NLTK, OpenCV, spaCy, and NetworkX, all of which work with Python.

Python to create an application programming interface for ebooks

Python’s application scopes don’t necessarily have to restrict itself to the already known and also include what is experimental and innovative. An example (Italian too) is py-clave, an application programming interface (API) for ebooks created by Gabriele Alese and made available as open-source, which can be improved by anyone who wants to seize the opportunity.

Python at the frontier of data science and machine learning

If you are thinking about what can I do with python?  in the data science field, The versatility and ease of approach of Python immediately made it the favorite language of those who began to deal with the new branches of artificial intelligence; the sector was practically virgin and Python quickly established itself among the most used languages. The rest was done by the community, with the development of libraries and language extensions that enable it to better tackle any problem, in a short time, even for those with more laboratory or statistical experience than in programming.


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